5G Lights the Way Forward: High Precision vs Estimation Errors in Wireless Communication Systems

Join Open Lecture arranged by Huawei Research Institute

Наука 16+

Huawei Open lecture in Skoltech: 5G Lights the Way Forward: High Precision vs Estimation Errors in Wireless Communication Systems (14.11.2019)

Speaker: Lyashev Vladimir | Head of RTT Lab in MRC

Developers are the key to the success of any modern operating system. Mobile vendors only provide hardware and software platforms. However, the developers are the ones who bring the most value to the end-users. That’s why it’s essential to provide the best in class tooling for developers and continuously support them in creating great software. In this talk, you will learn what challenges developers met in the past and how these problems will be solved in the future.

Benefits for students:

  • Opportunity to communicate with experts
  • Good gifts, e.g. Huawei mini speaker, Huawei Band and etc.
  • Internship opportunity in Huawei R&D
  • Knowledge How to apply Huawei scholarship

A coffee break will be organized for the participants of the event.

The lecture will take place in Skoltech, new Campus, Bolshoy Boulevard 30, auditorium B4-3005 on 14th of November 2019 at 16:00.

For questions, contact Xiaonan at song.xiaonan@huawei.com.

Prepared by Huawei Russian Research Institute.


1949 дней назад
14 ноября 2019 16:00–18:00

Большой Бульвар 30, аудитория B4-3005
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